I've always loved ice cream, enough to confidently say it's my favourite food. I love the variety of flavours, the cool refreshment on a hot day, and I'm a purist - I go for cup over cone. So when I got my ice cream maker, I was pretty much in heaven. I finally had the chance to experiment with flavours and mix-ins. And I'll tell you what, store bought (and even some ice cream shop) ice cream doesn't even compare to homemade! So creamy and fresh. Plus, when making it you can keep an eye on the ingredients going in, putting in less sugar, etc as you see fit.
I've made: Bailey's, coconut chocolate chip, pomegranate mint frozen yoghurt, lemon frozen yoghurt, and some traditional chocolate and (above) cookie dough.
I am working my way up to try savory ones like avocado(!)
I tend to use the sweet cream base #1 (eggs, milk, whipping cream, sugar) recipe from Ben & Jerry's book and substitute the milk for whatever other flavours I want (coconut milk, Bailey's, chocolate milk, etc). Then chuck in whatever add-ins I want, in the last couple minutes of churning. You don't need to cook the base on the stove first with this one, which makes it quicker, but if you're weary of raw eggs than cook it or go for the egg-less option, base #2.
Tip: Once you've made the mix, let it sit in the fridge for a good few hours before putting it in the ice cream machine, otherwise it won't stiffen up enough when churning.
For the Frozen yoghurt I use this recipe from 101cookbooks. It's simple (greek yoghurt, sugar, vanilla extract) and delicious, again I just add the extra flavours I want straight to it.
I would take more pics of my ice cream, but I usually only have on thing on my mind as soon as a batch is ready and that is spoon-to-face.